About using this site TERM OF USE

About using this site
This website is operated by Tatsumiya Kogyo Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company").
Before using this website, please read the following terms of use, and use this website only if you agree to these terms. By using this website, you are deemed to have agreed to the following terms. Please note that the following terms may be changed without notice. If these terms are changed, you will be required to comply with the changed terms of use. We ask for your understanding.
Copyright and Trademarks
It is prohibited by law to copy or reuse the trademarks, images, and videos posted on this website without our permission. If you wish to use them, you must obtain our permission in advance.
We do not guarantee the accuracy, usefulness, or reliability of the content posted on this website, and shall not be held responsible for it. We may suspend or discontinue the operation of this website, or modify, change, or delete the posted content without notice, but shall not be held responsible for any damages resulting from such actions.
About the links
If you wish to link to this website from your website, please be sure to read and agree to the following precautions in advance.
- We shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of linking to our website.
- We may change or delete the information or URL of this website without prior notice.
- We strictly prohibit links from websites that include content that infringes our rights, content that is contrary to public order and morals, content that violates compliance, adult content, or content that slanders our company.
Usage environment
We strive to provide accurate information regardless of the browser or plug-in you use, but for the safest and most optimal experience, we recommend that you view the site using a newer browser.